Details of Licensed Business

Business entity name: Challis Recruitment Pty Ltd Licence number: LHL-04058-R1H4Z
Business name: CHALLIS RECRUITMENT Date licence issued: 10/10/2019 2:00:30 PM
ABN: 13113856296 Date licence expires: 10/10/2024 2:00:30 PM
Business email: Number of years licence held: 4
Business telephone: 0407928880 Accommodation provided: No
Business address: 101 Ross Street FOREST LODGE, NSW 2037 Supplies workers on visas: Yes
Postal address: PO Box 546 BROADWAY, NSW 2007
Conditions of licence:
Conditions imposed on the licence by the chief executive under section 29.
No conditions.

Details of Licensee(s)

Name ABN
Challis Recruitment Pty Ltd 13113856296

Details of Nominated Officers

Name Contact Details
Jaime Challis
02 9509 3000

Details of Executive Officers

Name Position
Jaime Challis Director


Name Region


Name Parent Industry

Notifiable Incidents*

Number of notifiable incidents in last report: 0 Total number of notifiable incidents since LH licence held: 0
Number of applications for compensation in last report: 0 Total number of applications for compensation since LH licence held: 0

*Under section 103(2) of the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017, the register of licences must contain the number of notifiable incidents under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the number of injuries to workers supplied by the licensee for which applications for compensation are made under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003. These figures are self-reported by the licensee and may be subject to audit and verification by the Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit.

Enforcement action taken

None yet reported.